
Freelance Marketing Services to Help Your Business Grow

Let Connect Consultancy provide some additional support as and when you need it whilst you take care of business. Whether it is social media marketing, management or training or maybe some good quality content through blogging and copywriting to improve your profile.

  • Marketing Strategy and Planning
    Tailored for your business and easy to implement. Flexible and affordable services with a practical emphasis.
  • Content Marketing Services
    Copywriting for websites, newsletters, brochures, annual reports, email campaigns, Public Relations and blogging.
  • Social Media Marketing, Management & Training
    Helping you start, plan and develop content or real time management as well as one to one or group training on Social Media Overview, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Canva and Blogging for Business.
  • Grant and Award Applications
    We specialise in Award entries and non-technical grant applications and can also off you short term support for scoping, costing and managing new projects and events.

Get in touch today for a no obligation quote.

Social Media Marketing and Training
Social Media Marketing and Training
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