customer touchpoints Blog

Why are Customer Touchpoints Important for your Business?

Defined as ‘an influential action or contact’, each touchpoint is a message that collectively forms part of your customer’s experience. But why are they important and how can you improve your customer journey?

What are Customer Touchpoints?

From start to finish, your customers will see and encounter your business brand both off and on line, from your logo to your advert, posters or window displays, your website or app, social media sites or on line reviews. Or it could be from a word of mouth recommendation, contact with yourself or your staff in person, on the telephone or online.

Identifying and improving the touchpoints along the way and getting feedback will help improve their experience. It’s a fantastic opportunity to improve your customer journey – and happy customers, or even prospects, will get you more leads and sales.

Read more “Why are Customer Touchpoints Important for your Business?”

Six Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile Blog

Six Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile

If you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry or your locality there’s some fairly basic things you can do to improve your profile so that you are seen as the ‘go to’ person in your sector.

  1. Website

Make sure your website is up to date, static websites don’t rank well with search engines. You need fresh content from blogs, news and new pages. Prospective customers also like to see that you are active and commenting on trends or contributing useful information to share or download.

Read more “Six Simple Ways to Raise Your Business Profile”

Benefits of Entering Business Awards Blog

10 Benefits of Entering Business Awards

There are lots of community, charity, tourism and business awards launched every year, local as well as national. But when I ask my contacts if they are applying, the usual response is ‘No’.

But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence, articles and blogs research to suggest there are benefits to smaller organisations as well as large corporates. The value and impact on SMEs derived from winning business awards seem to be both short term and long term and there is tremendous PR value in entering and winning an award.

Read more “10 Benefits of Entering Business Awards”

7 steps to beat cyber crime Blog

7 Steps to Beat Cyber Crime

It’s not just big businesses that are subject to cyber crime, small companies are often targeted due to low awareness for the dangers and how easy it is for criminals to hack your website. Here’s 7 simple tips to help your business.

Social Media Marketing & Training in Telford, Shropshire, Staffordshire…

Connect Consultancy provides effective and affordable marketing and social media support for small and medium sized businesses. We offer expertise, advice and support in the following areas:

  • Marketing Review, SWOT, Competitor Analysis
  • Developing Practical Marketing Strategies and Action Plans
  • Social Media Planning, Management and Training
  • Newsletters, Email Campaigns and PR
  • Copywriting to Improve Website Landing Pages
  • Grant and Award Applications
  • Managing Stakeholder Relationships
  • Project Management, Launches, Events, Sponsorship

Whether on a one-off or ongoing basis our expertise and experience saves you time and reduces your fixed costs. Allowing you to concentrate on you core business. We offer a FREE review of marketing strategies and activities, website copy and social media engagement highlighting some quick wins that can be implemented. We specialise in working with small and medium sized businesses, particularly professional services companies, town centres, charities, visitor attractions, hotels and the education sector.

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